This past weekend was finally time for Fall Mini Sessions 2023. I love fall mini sessions. It helps that fall is my favorite time of year. I love the colors and the weather. As far as my photography goes Fall Mini sessions are a great time to catch up with my regulars and meet new families. It’s one whole day of seeing how much all the kids have changed and getting to know everyone in a quick 15 minutes.
Every year I am amazed at how much all the kids have grown. The year doesn’t seem to have been a whole 12 months. But this year I swear there must be something in the water. So many of these kids grew like 5 inches taller than last year. I am feeling shorter and shorter every year.
The weather ended up being perfect. Earlier in the week we had weather in the 20s and I was very worried that I was going to have another freezing cold mini session. It’s happened once before in the past that the day of mini sessions turned out more like the dead of winter than fall. But even the morning sessions ended up being warm enough not to need to bundle up.
Just a few days prior to mini sessions it did freeze and make a large part of the colorful leaves fall off. But we had just enough to give a yellow glow to most of our pictures.
To see more mini sessions check out the links below