McIntyre Newborn Session | Finn Maverick | Tracye’s Photography

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I know I’ve said it several times but it really makes my heart happy to have my bride and grooms come to me to do portraits of their little ones. The Mcintyre newborn session was one of those sessions. I was lucky enough to be chosen to take this sweet little baby’s parent’s wedding photos and now I get to photograph him. I’ve also gotten to work with his big brother and was so happy to see how excited he was to be a big brother.

McIntyre Newborn session

I’ve actually known his parents since they were in high school and they have always been the sweetest couple. And of course, they have two of the most adorable little boys. Little Finn Maverick has a full head of dark hair and is so handsome. Several times during our session I was able to catch little grins and scrunched up noses. He did such a good job and slept pretty easily the entire time.

Big Brother

When it was time to do pictures with the family his big brother was so excited he couldn’t stop smiling and bouncing around. He was so proud of his new baby brother. Big brother did a wonderful job of hugging and holding on to him when he was supposed to. He is going to be such a great big brother.

See big brother at 1 year old