My studio

My Studio

I opened my studio in 2001. So I bought my furniture for my first location. I was young and tried to represent something very professional. I had beautiful furniture but my style has changed a lot since then.

Ok, so I’ve been moved almost a year now and am just now posting about my studio in the new house. To my defense, I did have some work done to it after we first moved so it wasn’t ready for a few months after we got moved in. I ended up having to get new furniture which ended up being great because I LOVE it. I feel like my studio represents me a lot better now. Take a look!

my studio doormy studio couchmy studio desk

I know, I’m missing a camera room. I had one before and now everyone is wondering where it is. Well, I have a room with equipment in it that I can use in case of a very very big unexpected emergency but I’ll tell you the truth, I hope to never use it. I love outdoor pictures, weddings and I am starting to enjoy the challenge of doing more lifestyle and in home work with babies. And with that being the case, I shouldn’t really need a studio very often.

I have also gotten some new wedding albums samples and can’t wait to show them to new brides to be!!