I know, I know we finally got the snow everyone has been hoping for. I love how pretty it is and to get out one good time and play in it. But after a couple of days, my mind just starts drifting to the beach and the sun. I mean, check out this Navarre Beach Crane I was able to photograph.
I grew up going to the beach every few years with my family. We would spend all day out on the beach playing in the sand and finding sand dollars in the ocean. You just can’t beat a week at the beach. It was a time when no one had to leave for work and we all just enjoyed each other. We still go now every few years. My kids love going to the beach.
My husband really loves snow and skiing. But I would take the beach any day over snow. I was lucky enough to have my camera out one day when we were on the beach and a gorgeous bird was walking around as the sun set. I snuck up as close as I could get to him without him flying and got some great images. It was so pretty and didn’t seem to mind me so much. If I got too close it would pick up the pace and start walking faster in the other direction. I love when wildlife doesn’t seem to mind much when a person creeps up to photograph them.
What about you all?? Are you a snow person or a beach person?? I also don’t love tons of layers and I also don’t like to be cold. So those two dislikes don’t mix too well for long periods of time.
Am I the only one??
Check out more about Navarre Beach, Fl here