The Woodruff Fontaine House, Memphis TN | Amy & Liam

The Woodruff Fontaine House

I’ve loved old historic homes for a long time. There’s something about standing in the same room many people have been in at different periods of time. When a building is kept up or restored to what it originally was and you can catch a glimpse into the past. I always wonder what the original owners would think to see the place now. Seeing how much everything around it has changed. The Woodruff Fontaine House is a great example of that.

The Woodruff Fontaine House in Memphis TN now has a museum run out of it. It was built in 1871 and is absolutely amazing. They have furniture from the period and clothing and things sitting all around. It really feels as though you’ve stepped back in time as you walk through the halls and up the gorgeous staircase. There are several buildings on the property and just behind the house is the Carriage House. It’s the original structure but is fixed up to be the perfect spot for a small event.


This will be a fairly different type of post from me considering this wedding celebration was my sister-in-law and her new husband. Amy is really a no fuss type of girl. I met Amy when I started dating my husband 21 years ago. She was a good bit younger than me and I got to be her camp counselor for a week and get to know her better. I’ve always admired how Amy can be a part of a group of girls but never be pulled into the drama that girls tend to muster up. I’ve watched her grow up and play soccer and go to an insane amount of schooling to be able to do what she is passionate about. She does the type of job that it takes a special kind of human to be able to have the patience for and the intelligence to do well.

Amy & Liam

Over time I’ve met Amy’s friends and boyfriends. We’ve seen such a great fit and balance between her and Liam. He’s interesting and odd in all the best ways just like Amy. He brought along his son Joseph and my kids have loved having another cousin to play with. At this point, it feels as though the two of them have always been a part of the family. So when Amy and Liam shocked us all by finally deciding it was time to get married we couldn’t be happier.

As much as neither of them like being the center of attention they let us have a wedding reception. I think everyone involved was thrilled to finally get to celebrate them and make it official. We now have Uncle Liam and cousin Joseph in the family. What more could we ask for?? It was fun getting to spend the time together planning and the reception was just a wonderful day. It was great catching up with Amy’s friends and meeting Liam’s wonderful family that was able to come from Australia. The setting of the Woodruff Fontaine House was perfect for Amy & Liam. As you can see their wedding style is a little different from most. It was beautiful and elegant and absolutely perfect. Congratulations you two!! We love all three of you and are so happy for you.

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