Eli is 9 months | Falcon Ridge | Toone, TN

It was the perfect temperature for a session. Eli is 9 months already and it just doesn’t seem possible. The weather has been very finicky lately but on the day of Eli’s session, it was pretty warm outside. It was cloudy but that just added to the beautiful dark blue of the sky. His mom chose to do his session at Falcon Ridge Farm in Toone, TN. It’s such a beautiful farm.

It sprinkled lightly on us when we first got off the trailer to the Christmas trees. Eli’s grandparents were there to pick out their trees for the upcoming holiday. I feel so blessed that I was chosen to do this sweet boy’s parent’s wedding a while back. It is still one of my favorite weddings to date. I love spending time with his family and will be so sad when his milestone sessions come to an end.

Eli has started a new nose crinkle and if you have read many of my posts in the past you know how much I love a nose crinkle. During his session, I felt especially accomplished if I could get a nose crinkle or if I could get his big smile and his eyebrows up at the same time. He wasn’t a big fan of us trying to get him to stand without holding on to someone’s finger. At one point he even started to take steps forward and he hasn’t done that before.

This sweet boy loves tractors and that is what was pulling us to the location we were going to. They left to pick up some others and when he heard the tractor coming back he stared and waved at it. Eli is 9 months and growing way too fast!! Looking forward to our next milestone session.

To see more of Eli’s baby club sessions click on the links below


6 months

If you’d like to have 4 milestone sessions over your baby’s first year like baby Eli is, get in touch with me!!!