Elliot’s sports 2019 | What the kids want to be when they grow up

As I mentioned in my previous post I have been taking pictures every year of my kids dressed as what they currently want to be when they grow up. Elliot says he wants to be a doctor when he grows up. He had a lot of trouble deciding this year so who knows how long he’ll actually choose a doctor. He tends to want to try lots of new things lately.

Elliot got glasses this year and we found out some things that were making it hard for his eyes to focus. So since we have spent months correcting all that he has decided to try several sports this summer that he didn’t like earlier. So his sports picture is loaded. He’ll be trying golf, baseball, and soccer camp this summer. He already does swim team during the year.

Adelyn randomly chose a police officer for what she wants to be. She was very excited about it. And she looked very cute in her little dress up police uniform.

Since it was Memorial Day week when we got the chance to do the pictures I thought it would be fun to go take pictures in the flags. The kids loved running up and down through the flags. I have wanted to go out there every year when they put them up. It is so pretty. And the wind was blowing really hard that day so it was magical.

I can’t wait to see what they chose next year for their when I grow up pictures.

To see another session with my little’s click here