Nashville Bridge Proposal | David & Hailley | Tracye’s Photography
I got a call all the way from Philadelphia to photograph a proposal planned in Nashville TN. I love how many people I’ve met from all over the US coming to propose in Nashville. It really is a great place for people who love to travel.
David and Hailley met through Hailley’s little brother. Her brother is one of David’s good friends. They started dating during David’s sophomore year and Hailley’s freshman year of high school. These two were high school sweethearts.
David & Hailley have an English bulldog named Hunter and just moved in together a few years ago. They both love country music and traveling together so they’ve been dreaming of coming to Nashville TN since they started dating. So Nashville was really a great place for David to propose. They live just outside of Philly but spend a lot of time in Sea Isle, NJ down the shore.
It was a beautiful fall day in Nashville. There was a nice cool breeze so it wasn’t quite as hot as it had been in days before. There were a good bit of people walking around on the bridge but it wasn’t overly crowded. We couldn’t quite hear what David was saying to Hailley as he stopped at the perfect spot on the bridge but we could tell by her reaction that she knew what it was leading to. She may have even started crying before he hit his knee. After we heard her say “yes I’ll marry you” a couple of times, the people around them on the bridge started clapping.
The sun started going down quickly but we got some great portraits of them before it was totally gone. It was a magical proposal. I really enjoyed meeting these two and wish them tons of luck in the future. Congratulations!!!!