Nashville TN Wedding Proposal | Sarah & Michael | Pedestrian Bridge

Nashville TN Wedding Proposal

In most cases when I photograph a Nashville TN wedding proposal I do not get to meet the person asking before the moment happens. I definitely do not get to meet the person being asked. So there is a lot of excitement happening all at once. We plan things out and I get to the spot. I stand waiting to see these people I’ve never seen before and also blend in and not attract any attention.

I had Michael send me a little information about him and Sarah. Sometimes I get two sentences back about how they met. Michael sent me a great story that made me feel like I knew them before meeting them. I’m going to put that here to let him tell you their story too.

How Michael & Sara met

“I had group plans for a weekend in Nashville but did not have a date nor was I really looking for one. A friend of mine who had planned the weekend events bought an extra ticket thinking over the next few months I would find a date.. well that never came to fruition. He kept giving me a hard time about it and I said why doesn’t your wife just bring a co-worker with her?

It just so happened that the next couple of days his wife and Sarah crossed paths at work and Niki mentioned a trip to Nashville to Sarah. Sarah thought it sounded like such a fun time! Not realizing at all that it wasn’t a girl’s trip, she was being set up on a blind date to complete the 4th couple going on the trip! Sarah booked her flight, rearranged her work schedule, and was looking forward to the weekend girl’s trip!

Then just a couple of days before the trip, she started re-reading some messages and looking more into this “girls trip” soon realizing it wasn’t just girls going. The nerves set in and the thoughts of bailing crossed her mind but luckily for me, that never happened! I was just as nervous to meet her myself! The first day I could tell she was extremely laid back, easy to talk to and genuinely seemed very interested in our conversations. Not to mention how beautiful she was with such a contagious laugh!

I had such a great weekend with her I was bummed I wouldn’t see her again after we went home and back to the daily grind of life. Fortunately, she also thought it was a great weekend and a few Instagram messages later we were going on dates back home! It was a love on Broadway.”

The Proposal

I always bring someone to stand with and talk to to look like we are there for some other reason. This proposal was a bit different. I’ve found the forecast to be very unreliable for the last two years. I know people always say how wrong the forecast is as small talk but I have been scheduling outdoor pictures now for 25 years and it’s way more unreliable than ever. Throughout the week it changed back and forth many times. On my way to the bridge, I got caught in a downpour.

We walked up onto the bridge and got to the area we were supposed to be. Just then there was rumbling in the distance. We could see pouring rain off in the distance in two different directions. This worked in our favor because all the smart people decided to get off of the large metal bridge. It also cooled off the extreme humidity we had had the last week.

She said Yes

Sarah’s sister and her boyfriend were on the trip also and helping Michael carry out his plan. She said yes and could not stop admiring the ring. It was fun to meet everyone and take some photos and hear more about them and their trip. Soon after we’d almost finished all our pictures the rain came and soaked us all. But everyone was still so excited and happy to be there that we took a few pictures in the rain. Congratulations you two!!

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