Jackson TN Courthouse Wedding | Valencia & Jesse
Jackson TN Courthouse wedding
It wasn’t until Covid hit that I did a Jackson TN courthouse wedding. Valencia & Jesse are from South Carolina and decided to take a trip through Tennessee. They were going to hit Memphis and Nashville and saw that Jackson was in between so it would be perfect. I’m so glad that I was chosen to be a little part of such a big day.
We started at the Madison Co. courthouse in downtown Jackson TN. Valencia and Jesse dressed similar to how Johnny & June Carter dressed on their wedding day. The song “Jackson” was the inspiration for why they chose to come to Jackson TN to get married. They look fantastic and we went into the courthouse to get things started.
The Ceremony
The gentleman that was going to do the ceremony led us upstairs to a more private spot. I recognized him from the previous courthouse wedding I did that ended up being in his home. He has a fun balance of funny and touching stories he tells as he does his ceremonies. He also tried to play a trick on me telling me that due to Covid photographers are only allowed two pictures in the courthouse. Man, would that have put a damper on things!
Valencia and Jesse wrote their own vows and they were sweet and personal and gave us a glimpse into their relationship and how much they love each other. Once they were officially married we explored around downtown to get some portraits of them. We even stepped into the gorgeous New Southern Hotel to get a few.
I’ve really grown to appreciate the small more intimate weddings since Covid has made them more normal. I’ve done more over the last year than I have done in the whole 20 years I’ve been doing weddings. Seeing two people in love get married is exciting no matter how many people are there. I wish Valencia and Jesse a lifetime of happiness.